Fans approved for Hogg Park pavilion

By Brynna Williamson
Posted 11/21/24

The Quitman Development Corp. board   decided to go ahead with the installation of several large fans in the Jim Hogg City Park pavilion last Thursday.

Finances for the project are coming …

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Fans approved for Hogg Park pavilion


The Quitman Development Corp. board  decided to go ahead with the installation of several large fans in the Jim Hogg City Park pavilion last Thursday.

Finances for the project are coming from the QDC budget as well as $4,000 from the Old Settler’s Reunion budget. The four fans are expected to be installed within a month, according to QDC Executive Director James Attaway.

The board elected new officers. Greg Eberhardt agreed to continue as secretary/treasurer, and Kerry Puckett was elected as new vice president. 

The board also decided on a time to hold a Strategic Planning Workshop, which will go to help board members find, re-assess and focus on Quitman’s purpose and future for business development.

“To me, a lot has changed in the last two years. I think it would be really important for us to get together and really see – what do we think Quitman’s strengths are? What’s our weaknesses, our opportunities and our threats?” said Puckett. “Let’s devote the time to do this right.”

The workshop will also be important, Puckett said, since many QDC board members are new to their roles. The meeting will be held Sunday, Jan. 5 at 2 p.m.

The board also discussed the potential construction of a road by Quitman Business Park Lot 9.

They are receiving notices of qualifications from two engineering firms. After the qualifications are received, the board will consider how to proceed.

Zipps Liquor Store has a finalized purchase-sale agreement for Quitman Business Park Lot 7.

There were also several no-action items discussed at the meeting. 

The board is considering selling Business Park Lot 10, which is .57 acres, to Grab Land Today, LLC from Dallas. They are offering $5,500 for the property.

However, because the company has no plans for the property, the board decided to find out if the company would be willing to develop the land before committing to sell it.

They also gave an update on demolishing the dilapidated house at 715 S. Main Street.

They are waiting on Atmos Energy to cap gas lines to the building. Attaway says that this step will be completed “hopefully in the next week or so.”