Lions planning annual fish fry
The Yantis-Lake Fork Lions Club will host their 29th Annual Catfish Fry Saturday, May 11 at the Yantis ISD Cafeteria from 4-7 p.m.
Menu includes fresh catfish, red beans, cole slaw, French fries, hush puppies, desserts, tea and coffee.
Dale “The C” Cummings will be the guest performer. There will be a silent auction featuring many gifts and certificates. Free vision screening will be offered.
The club will be selling chances during the event with a drawing to win a Tisas 1911 pistol and a drawing to win a Glock pistol. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. Winner must be 21 years of age and pass an FBI background check. The winner will be announced at the event.
This is a “donation only” evening in order to enable more people to attend. The donations will benefit the Lions Club scholarship fund, which awards Yantis ISD seniors several $1,000 scholarships.
The club also helps fund local charitable projects such as providing children in need of eye exams and eye glasses, donations to the Yantis and Land’s End Volunteer Fire Departments and for city park play equipment. The club also provides a community wide Thanksgiving meal. The Lions Club helps with the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, which focuses on diabetes and special needs.
There will be a box located at the door for old eye glasses. These are repaired, cleaned, sorted and distributed to needy people in other countries.
The Yantis-Lake Fork Lions club motto is “We Serve.” For more information regarding the fish fry or becoming a member of the Lions Club, contact Lion President Mary Bass at 903-850-1765.