Mineola Police Report

Posted 11/21/24

November 8

3:34 a.m., suspicious person, N. Pacific, subject seems intoxicated, bothering customers, given ride to Grand Saline.

8:48 a.m., theft, NE Loop 564, subject got cash back but …

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Mineola Police Report


November 8

3:34 a.m., suspicious person, N. Pacific, subject seems intoxicated, bothering customers, given ride to Grand Saline.

8:48 a.m., theft, NE Loop 564, subject got cash back but left it, returned and it was gone, suspect seen on video.

11:23 a.m., city ordinance violation, S. Pacific, checking smoke shops, games shut down.

1:15 p.m., reckless driver, 100 blk N. Pacific, unable to maintain lane, information given to sheriff’s office.

3:40 p.m., suspicious person, NE Loop 564, suspect attempted to open subject’s car door, unable to locate.

6:16 p.m., welfare concern, Landers, subject contacted and is OK.

7:48 p.m., disorderly conduct, Sycamore, loud music, no noise observed.

8:22 p.m., disorderly conduct, Phillips, vehicle driving by, subjects cursing and yelling, vehicle no longer in area.

8:47 p.m., public assist, Maxine, subject advised she cannot park 18-wheeler in town, even on her birthday.

8:53 p.m., suspicious persons, 1700 blk N. Newsom, subjects walking, no violation observed.

11:45 p.m., suspicious person, N. Newsom, someone trying to get into home.

11:56 p.m., assist other agency, N. Newsom, patient who has fallen.

November 9

1:42 a.m., suspicious person, NE Loop 564, persons in vehicle for extended time, eating food.

3:00 a.m., suspicious person, 600 blk E. McDonald, subject appears intoxicated, officer advised subject OK, walking home.

7:43 a.m., burglary, E. McDonald, ex-husband used key to take furniture from residence.

11:14 a.m., welfare concern, South, open 911 line, no emergency.

12:41 p.m., reckless driver, 300 blk W. Broad, speeding, unable to locate.

12:43 p.m., theft, W. Broad, items missing.

2:09 p.m., assist other agency, CR 2840, smoke coming from building, controlled burn nearby.

4:42 p.m., disturbance, Greenville, resident being assaulted, criminal trespass warning issued.

6:08 p.m., public assist, Greenville, mattress in roadway, removed from roadway, owner retrieved it.

6:15 p.m., theft, NE Loop 564, customer with items in bag, vehicle waiting in parking lot, criminal trespass warning issued.

6:39 p.m., public assist, 300 Greenville, assistance requested to unlock vehicle.

7:33 p.m., welfare concern, E. Front, subject having medical issue on train, transported by EMS.

7:40 p.m., assist other agency, Bromberg, overdose, transported by EMS.

7:59 p.m., reckless driver, S. Pacific at city limits, unable to maintain lane, no signs of drunken driving. 

November 10

1:03 a.m., city ordinance violation, Bromberg, loud music, yelling.

3:30 a.m., assist other agency, 300 Greenville, unable to locate subject.

4:04 a.m., welfare concern, NE Loop 564, subject sleeping in parking lot after fight with wife.

5:32 a.m., welfare concern, N. Hwy. 37 at CR 2425, vehicle appeared to be crashed in ditch.

1:09 p.m., harassment, E. Good, officer advised suspect any further contact would be deemed harassment.

1:12 p.m., theft, Bromberg, item lost or misplaced.

4:56 p.m., harassment, E. Good, more information on case, is civil matter.

5:45 p.m., assist other agency, CR 2306, fire under carport, being attended by resident.

6:27 p.m., motor vehicle accident, N. Pacific at Buchanan, two vehicles, no injuries.

9:29 p.m., city ordinance violation, S. Johnson, loud music, unable to locate.

November 11

12:44 a.m., suspicious person, N. Line at W. McDonald, bag of items taken from location retrieved, victim did not wish to press charges.

3:37 a.m., suspicious vehicle, N. Newsom, store employee.

9:37 a.m., found property, E. Loop 564 at FM 125, case with equipment inside.

9:48 a.m., motorist assist, 1100 blk N. Pacific, gate fell open on trailer, driver secured.

2:34 p.m., harassment, E. Good, subject from prior complaint made contact again.

2:57 p.m., disturbance, Wigley, verbal altercation over missing card and money, parties separated.

4:25 p.m., motor vehicle accident, W. Broad, two vehicles, no injuries.

6:53 p.m., reckless driver, W. Patten, several vehicles speeding, no violations observed.

7:51 p.m., disturbance, Landers, son breaking items in home, advised to contact juvenile probation.

8:12 p.m., assist other agency, Hwy. 37, EMS call.

8:18 p.m., suspicious person, Meredith, subject looking in window, unable to locate. 

November 12

1:11 a.m., assist other agency, Autumn Wind Ct., patient transported by EMS.

6:11 a.m., warrant service, Carolyn, subject not home.

6:16 a.m., warrant service, W. Front, subject not present.

8:18 a.m., assist other agency, S. Johnson, assist sheriff’s office with warrant service, no contact.

11:46 a.m., information, E. McDonald, ex-husband came into home and took items that did not belong to him.

12:21 p.m., welfare concern, W. Kilpatrick, subject went with EMS.

12:46 p.m., found property, S. Johnson at W. Broad, pills found in alley.

1:06 p.m., fraud, Molly, money taken from bank account.

1:18 p.m., assist other agency, CR 2303, assist EMS and fire with subject pinned under tree, subject deceased.

1:31 p.m., reckless driver, Greenville at Loop 564, passing in construction zone, unable to locate.

4:21 p.m., motorist assist, W. McDonald, keys locked in vehicle, unlocked.

7:23 p.m., suspicious vehicle, CR 2724, subjects leaving.

7:29 p.m., civil matter, 300 Greenville, soon to be ex-wife posting things on social media.

9:37 p.m., vehicle stop/arrest, 600 blk E. Patten, Garrett Louis Ponzio arrested for College Station warrant. 

November 13

12:28 a.m., motorist assist, FM 49 at Loop 564, subject stopped to clean up coffee spill.

12:56 a.m., motorist assist, N. Johnson at E. Broad, traffic lights not working properly.

3:19 a.m., unsecured area, W. Commerce, unsecured door, building cleared.

6:37 a.m., reckless driver, E. Broad at N. Pacific, unable to maintain lane, unable to catch up to vehicle.

9:10 a.m., city ordinance violation, 300 blk W. Broad, loud music, told to turn down.

10:35 a.m., welfare concern, S. Johnson, unable to contact in over a month, contact made.

11:22 a.m., information, S. Pacific, vehicle repossession.

11:48 a.m., harassment, N. Newsom, subject made to feel uncomfortable concerning discussion about possible jobs.

4:34 p.m., motorist assist, 2200 blk S. Pacific, vehicle out of roadway.

5:01 p.m., motor vehicle accident,400 blk S. Pacific, hit and run, contacted by subject whose son hit vehicle.

5:17 p.m., theft, NE Loop 564, subject trying to return unpaid merchandise, criminal trespass warning issued.

7:17 p.m., theft, 200 blk E. Broad.

8:03 p.m., assault, McWhorter, subject assaulted by roommate, requested EMS.

10:24 p.m., subject stopped, W. Patten at Second, no lights on bicycle, Juan Galaz arrested for Van Zandt County warrant.

11:07 p.m., information, 200 blk W. Patten, male pushing motorcycle down street. 

November 14

3:45 a.m., welfare concern, E. Good, subject needs to go to hospital.

7:51 a.m., civil matter, McWhorter, advised to contact justice of the peace about removing someone from home.

8:19 a.m., public assist, 300 Greenville, fingerprinting.

8:34 a.m., motor vehicle accident, 1900 blk W. Broad, one vehicle in middle of road, unable to locate.

1:28 p.m., motor vehicle accident, 500 blk E. Broad, two vehicles.

1:43 p.m., information, 300 blk Greenville, request to speak to officer.

2:20 p.m., 300 Greenville, request to speak to officer.

3:56 p.m., motor vehicle accident, W. Loop 564, two vehicles, minor.

6:59 p.m., suspicious activity, Belcher, everything OK.

7:30 p.m., suspicious person, NE Loop 564, unable to locate.

8:30 p.m., welfare concern, N. Pacific at CR 2430, vehicle driving around multiple times, driver was looking for lost item.

9:35 p.m., suspicious person, 200 blk W. Broad, angry customer remained in parking lot, left as officer arrived.

9:49 p.m., suspicious vehicle, E. Loop 564 at Mimosa, unoccupied.

10:19 p.m., assist other agency, W. Patten, subject refused to go with EMS after overdose, Narcan administered. 

November 15

7:32 a.m., unknown offense, Heritage, questions for officer.

12:42 p.m., disturbance, 1200 blk Bromberg, residents training puppy, not going so well.

2:01 p.m., trespassing, Read, criminal trespass warning issued over property dispute.

5:48 p.m., reckless driver, Hwy. 37 North, high speed, unable to locate.

6:37 p.m., suspicious person, N. Pacific, knocked loudly, then left, unable to locate.

7:29 p.m., civil matter, Read, serving eviction notice, unable to locate.

Officers also made 233 traffic stops and answered 44 animal control calls and 10 alarms.