Marchman Garden Club elects 2024-25 officers
At the July Fannie Marchman Garden Club meeting, the speaker was Diane Black, president of the “Lakes and Pines” chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas.
Her video presentation …
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Marchman Garden Club elects 2024-25 officers
At the July Fannie Marchman Garden Club meeting, the speaker was Diane Black, president of the “Lakes and Pines” chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas.
Her video presentation highlighted the society and its goal to plant only native species. Why native plants? Habitat for food for birds, butterflies, bees and wildlife. No pampering or fertilizing for their survival. Natural to their ecosystem and maintain biological diversity.
Diane featured milkweed, essential for monarch butterflies’ survival. Texas is the largest entry state on their annual migration northward. Each member received a list of flowers and trees that bloom throughout the year so that nectar is available.
Diane also emphasized that when purchasing the milkweed plant to buy native only.
The chapter is newly formed and meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 10 a.m at Sorelle Farms in Mineola.
After the program, the officers for the upcoming club year were installed. President Jana Cook, 1st Vice President Georgia Meyers (membership), 2nd Vice President Pam Taveau (programs), Secretary Michelle Basham and Treasurer Angela Thompson. They will begin duties Sept. 18.
The last program of the current year will be Aug. 21 with Herbs 101, presented by Angela Thompson and Kim Hughes. Meet at the Mineola Civic Center on Newsom St. at 9.30 a.m. for social with the presentation at 10. Visitors are welcome. Follow us on Facebook or refer to the Wood County Community Calendar featured weekly in this newspaper.