Mineola zoning changes OK’d

By Phil Major
Posted 1/30/25

Three zoning changes sought for planned housing development gained approval from the Mineola City Council Monday.

A fourth request, for a specific use permit to allow construction of a duplex, …

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Mineola zoning changes OK’d


Three zoning changes sought for planned housing development gained approval from the Mineola City Council Monday.

A fourth request, for a specific use permit to allow construction of a duplex, died for lack of a motion.

A fifth item, also involving development, also met with council approval.

Three of the matters were coincidentally within a few blocks of each other off S. Newsom St.

Two of the zoning changes were from commercial to residential.

The city’s comprehensive placed the west side of S. Newsom into a commercial zone many years ago, but there has been no such development in the past two decades.

Brady Chambers was approved for medium density zoning and plans to build two town homes (four units) in the 800 block of S. Newsom.

Jose Timoteo was approved for a change from commercial to single family at 610 S. Newsom.

A change was also granted in the 700 block of Greenville Highway (old Mineola Club Lake property) from mixed use to multi-family. The developer plans quad-plexes.

The council also acted on an adjacent property, removing the west side of the lake from the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) so that lake lots can be sold.

Removal from the ETJ gives the responsibility to Wood County for the development. The lots will all access County Road  2200.

The property does not have access to city water or sewer services.

Mindy Hipp requested voluntary annexation for property off Hwy. 69 South adjacent to the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

The council will hold a public hearing on the request in February.

A request for a specific use  permit between S. Newsom and Miller Streets failed to gain support. Trey Goodwin requested the permit to construct a duplex.

Fire Marshal David Madsen relayed the Planning and Zoning Commission’s concerns about congestion and property values.

Neighbor Rufus Jackson also spoke about congestion concerns.

The council approved professional services for an upcoming project funded with a 90% forgivable Texas Water Development Board loan of $5.5 million.

It also agreed to go out for bids for residential garbage service.

The five-year contract with Republic Services is expiring.

City Secretary Cindy Karch said she has already received inquiries from other services, and Dick Demien with Black Jack Disposal also requested the city seek bids. Black Jack is opening a new location in West Mineola.

Following a closed session, the council approved a three-year contract with Karch to become the new city manager March 1 at $106,000 per year. She was approved unanimously in December.

Mercy Rushing will be retiring Feb. 28.