Pilot Club hosts Alzheimer’s walk during festival


This year’s Alzheimer’s Walk sponsored by the Pilot Club of Mineola will be held in conjunction with the Iron Horse Heritage Festival on Saturday, Sept. 23.

Registration will take place at 9:30 a.m. at the Pilot Club booth in the area of the gazebo. Walkers can walk around the block or around the area where all the booths will be located. If you have a loved one or friend who has or had Alzheimer’s, make a donation to the Mineola Pilot Club and walk in their honor or memory.

The Mineola Pilot Club will also be selling chances on a fall basket to be given away on Saturday, as well as information on Project Lifesaver and other Pilot projects. You can also reserve a table for the Pilot Club game night on Sept. 26 at the First Methodist Church Ministry Center.