WCEDC outlines ambitious plans

By Phil Major
Posted 1/30/25

Wood County Economic Development Commission Chairman Tom Keenan kicked off the new year last Wednesday with a look ahead to 2025.

The WCEDC has numerous projects underway, some of which Keenan …

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WCEDC outlines ambitious plans


Wood County Economic Development Commission Chairman Tom Keenan kicked off the new year last Wednesday with a look ahead to 2025.

The WCEDC has numerous projects underway, some of which Keenan noted are just getting started.

“It never feels like we’ve done enough,” he remarked, before listing the areas where WCEDC is focusing its energies:

Public use recreation areas, which Keenan adapted as “rexreation“ areas, because they focus on x-sports; the county becoming a participant in the Keep Texas Beautiful project, with individual communities also coming on board; exploring the need for more lodging in the county for big events; creating additional “centers of excellence,” such as Wood County Walls, the WCEDC marketing team and the work force development efforts of Jarvis Christian University.

It was noted that Jarvis is seeking a Federal Aviation Administration curriculum grant as a first step toward an aviation school at the Wood County Airport.

The first grant for drone technology.

During the Bassmasters tournament at Lake Fork May 11-18, the WCEDC will once again team with the Quitman Pilot Club to host the Family Fun Fest Friday and Saturday of the tournament.

Plans include more local performers on the first day, including a second act in the evening, and more kid-friendly attractions.

The WCEDC has been tasked with helping to market the Carroll Green Civic Center in Quitman, whose operation has been taken over by the county and which is undergoing extensive renovations.

Plans include a new logo and brochure.

Directors voted to be a $500 sponsor for the upcoming Shamrock Shuffle in Quitman, a fun run to benefit the Quitman-Lake Fork Kiwanis Club’s project for a walking trail and dog park.

Directors also heard a presentation from Nathan Witt concerning his senior class project which focused on Wood County economic challenges and suggestions to assist in building the economy.

They ranged from short-term goals such as improving financial literacy and public transportation to longer-term targets such as attracting data centers.