Commissioners award county jail project bid

Posted 8/8/24

Wood County commissioners awarded a contract Tuesday for renovations and expansion of the county jail.

Tegrity Contractors of Allen was the low bidder at $7,177,777 with a 365 calendar day …

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Commissioners award county jail project bid


Wood County commissioners awarded a contract Tuesday for renovations and expansion of the county jail.

Tegrity Contractors of Allen was the low bidder at $7,177,777 with a 365 calendar day timetable.

Architect Wayne Gondeck with DRG Architects said he expects mobilization on the project within 30 days.

Though the construction firm is based in Allen, the company leaders are from the Sulphur Springs area and are working on a similar project in Pittsburg with DRG.

Precinct Four Commissioner Russell Acker noted that the project is being completed without any bonds or loans, with the money coming from the American Rescue Plan Act and county fund balance.

He added that about $1 million has been spent on the jail roof, and once this project is completed, the jail should be in good shape.

Turning to budget matters, commissioners and Sheriff Kelly Cole discussed at length his request to add a dispatcher position.

Cole suggested moving positions around within the department so that another deputy position can be funded with a state grant, freeing up funds to add the dispatcher position.

Dispatchers are not one of the grant’s eligible positions.

Adding the ninth dispatcher should also help alleviate some of the comp time that has been accumulating.

“We’ve been trying to do this for several years,” he said of adding the position. “There’s a lot of comp time in there.”

Cole explained that dispatchers are required to do more reporting for judicial matters, as well as increased call volume due to the growth in the county.

Commissioners then finalized the list of personnel changes prior to their meeting Thursday when the proposed property tax rate will be considered.

They are looking to leave the tax rate unchanged while including a 4% pay raise

More hours for the veterans service officer were approved.