Couple initiates Bible study group meeting at Mineola’s skate park

By Brynna Williamson
Posted 12/31/69

Austin Arnold and his wife Haeley are skateboarders.

Austin, especially, spends a lot of time on his skateboard at Flint and Steel’s new skate park, located by St. Paul Missionary Baptist …

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Couple initiates Bible study group meeting at Mineola’s skate park


Austin Arnold and his wife Haeley are skateboarders.

Austin, especially, spends a lot of time on his skateboard at Flint and Steel’s new skate park, located by St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Mineola.

They’re something else, too: Austin and Haeley are also Christians who have shown their willingness to step up and do something to help others and share the hope of their faith.

How? Through starting a once-a-week hangout and Bible study at the skate park.

“I guess it all got started… (when) I got started going to skate parks, like here, and I just started talking about Jesus, and it kinda just led from there,” said Austin.

The Arnolds said that they had considered raising food for the homeless or beginning another mission, but “that (that) wasn’t it.” Ultimately, they said that God called them to begin doing a Bible study – which is called “Shred the Word” – on Tuesday nights at the skate park.

At 6, when “skate church” starts, skaters and whoever else would like to come do some runs of the park and catch up. Austin says that he starts cooking a free dinner, and later everyone eats together. At 6:30 or so, they start the short study, which Austin draws directly from the Bible. Then, afterward, they do some more skating.

“One week, one of the kids’ moms brought a few pizzas out for everybody,” said Haeley. “So that was cool. It’s just, it’s really nice. And the outpouring of support from the community, and just friends and family, (has) been overwhelming.”

This unique ministry was officially started only three weeks ago, but it’s already been used by God to make a difference and reach hearts in our community.

“One of the (attendees) was like, ‘I don’t think my mom believes me that this is where I come on Tuesday nights,’” Haeley said with a smile. “So she came one week, and brought her Bible, and sat, and just loved it! It’s just really cool to see all the different people that are coming out just to see what it’s about.”

According to Austin and Haeley, anyone is invited and would be welcome to attend – not just those who are interested in skating. In fact, those of different backgrounds and ages already attend the study, and the Arnolds said that attendees don’t even have to be Christians to come.

“Anybody (can come),” said both the Arnolds in unison. Austin continued, “I don’t want to leave it to, like, skaters only. I want everyone just to (feel welcome. If you want somewhere to come hang out, outside, with a bunch of like-minded people, here’s your spot.”

While the Arnolds don’t know the extent of God’s plan for Shred the Word’s “skate church,” they’re excited to see where it’s going, and excited to be a part of it.

“It’s really rad to see how He’s in everything,” said Austin. “Like, He’ll take one of your hobbies, and if you follow Him, He’ll make something out of it, so it’s really cool.”

“Oh yeah, God’s always working!” added Haeley.

The Arnolds have been doing the Bible study for only three weeks, and they’ve already seen “actual change” in people’s lives. Who knows what God will do through their ministry in times to come?