Lions Club sets annual fish fry
The Yantis-Lake Fork Lions Club will host the 28th annual Catfish Fry on Saturday, May 13 at the Yantis ISD cafeteria from 4-7 p.m.
Menu includes fresh catfish, red beans, cole slaw, French fries, hush puppies, desserts, tea and coffee.
Dale “The C” Cummings will be the guest performer. There will be a silent auction featuring many gifts and certificates.
The club will be selling chances during the event to win a Fantastic Fishing Package. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. The winner will be announced at the catfish fry.
The Lions Club will also provide a free vision screening for children and adults.
This is a donation only evening in order to enable more people to attend. The donations will benefit the Lions Club scholarship fund, which awards Yantis ISD Seniors several $1,000 scholarships. The club also helps fund local charitable project such as providing children in need of eye exams and eye glasses; donations to the Yantis and Land’s End Volunteer Fire Departments; and City Park play equipment. The Lions Club helps with the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, which focus is on diabetes and special needs.
There will be a box at the door for old eye glasses and cases. These are repaired, cleaned, sorted and distributed to needy people in other countries.
The Yantis-Lake Fork Lions club motto is “We Serve.” For more information regarding the fish fry or becoming a member of the Lions Club, contact Lion President Mary Bass at 903-850-1765.