Mineola city sign ordinance to be reviewed

Posted 5/16/24

The city of Mineola will be reviewing its sign ordinances after Kathy Lehman outlined an issue with mural painted on her building on E. Broad St.

The mural was part of the street art festival …

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Mineola city sign ordinance to be reviewed


The city of Mineola will be reviewing its sign ordinances after Kathy Lehman outlined an issue with mural painted on her building on E. Broad St.

The mural was part of the street art festival last fall on the west wall of The Works coffee shop.

It included a small block over the drive through that said, “Coffee,” which had to be painted over as an apparent violation of the ordinance that does not allow signs painted directly onto buildings.

“If it’s painted professionally, what does it matter?” Lehman asked, adding that there are at least eight other signs in town that are painted on buildings.

“If we’re not going to be consistent, do away with it,” she suggested.

The council asked the city staff to review the ordinance.