Mineola Memorial Library Notes

By Librarian Mary Hurley
Posted 5/23/24

Remember the bluebonnets at the library this spring? Remember how abundant they were? Remember how pretty they were? Well, this is the other side of that beauty. We are waiting for the seed pods to …

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Mineola Memorial Library Notes


Remember the bluebonnets at the library this spring? Remember how abundant they were? Remember how pretty they were? Well, this is the other side of that beauty. We are waiting for the seed pods to brown and release the seeds. This doesn’t happen quickly and even more slowly when we have an abundance of rain. Please, be patient with the state of the yard. We are hoping to have the pods ready to disperse by the end of the month, then the mowing will begin. Beauty doesn’t just happen and what you are seeing is what leads to that spring time beauty.

Camp We Read at the library will begin Wednesday, May 29 at 2 p.m. This is our summer reading program for children age 5 and up. Younger children need to be accompanied by a parent/caregiver to help with any activities. Those younger than 5 may attend as long as their parent/caregiver attends with them. Our program will be on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. until our wrap up meeting on July 10.

We have weekly reading challenges and what we think are fun activities planned for each week of the program. A schedule of events is available at the front desk and will soon be on the website and Facebook.

Toddler Story Time will continue throughout the summer on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. for children 18 months to 3 years along with their parent/caregiver. Here they get a chance to learn to play together, meet new friends, hear a story and participate in an activity.

Home-school Heroes will meet the third Friday of the month during the summer at 10 a.m. on June 21, July 19 and Aug. 16. This is for families homeschooling their children. It is an opportunity to meet others on the same journey, share ideas, make new friends and complete an activity.

Thank you to all who donated during East Texas Giving Day. It was a successful day. We appreciate all the donations.

Thank you to the ag department of Mineola High School for sending volunteers who helped us get books shelf-ready and out on the shelves for you and for weeding our flower beds. You rock!

The Mineola Memorial Library is not tax supported so your donations do matter. The Mineola Memorial Library is a 501(c)3, non-profit and your donations may be tax-deductible.