Ministry offers women hope from addiction

Posted 6/20/24

To say that life can be messy is just not strong enough of a statement. People are fallible, and given the wrong decision(s), they can find themselves slowly being destroyed by addiction.  

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Ministry offers women hope from addiction


To say that life can be messy is just not strong enough of a statement. People are fallible, and given the wrong decision(s), they can find themselves slowly being destroyed by addiction. 

The addiction doesn’t care. Addictions are simply foreign influences which are willfully introduced to one’s body in order to cause the release of chemicals within the brain. The addiction itself can be chemical such as the intake of drugs and alcohol, or behavioral – like gambling.

One thing is certain, addictions are ruthless. Addictions do not recognize family, friends, standards of conduct, lawful behavior or physical well-being. Nothing else matters.

At the end of a road of addiction is often a place known as ‘rock bottom.’ It is the end of the path, that point at which an individual has arrived at the lowest point in their life. Often, they have lost all sense of normalcy and control. 

Some, at that moment of rock bottom, have a revelation.  

Local resident Tamera (Tamee) Davis spent most of her adult life in a wrestling match with addiction. She ended up figuratively at the end of a closed alley. 

She admitted, “There is a rock bottom, and I hit it. There was only one thing to do – I turned to God and told him, God take it.” 

Davis will freely admit that what comes next is not easy, however, as she stated, “My God is a healing God.”

This revelation and the services offered at Morgan Mercy Mansion in Winnsboro combined to save Davis’ life.  In the wake of the death of her father and a traumatic injury to her daughter, she fought to regain control of her life. 

Davis has been clean for six years, and despite the family tragedies which emerged during her recovery, she calmly admits that there is only one reason for recovery. “You have to want it for yourself,” she stated. 

The process of her recovery began a relationship with Sekond Chance Ministry and awoke in her a compulsion to help other women in need of regaining control.

Today, in the parsonage of the Church of the Nazarene, Davis runs a small intake recovery mission. The Redeemed Recovery and Ladies Ministry has been in operation since January.

The mission is small and can offer only four beds. As Davis relates however, the recovery from addiction is a battle fought one person at a time.

Pastor Randy Larpenteur of the adjacent Church of the Nazarene offered temporary use of the parsonage, which had been used by the church as a meeting hall.

Davis will soon be filing paperwork to transition Redeemed Recovery into a non-profit organization. Presently, it depends solely on private contributions. 

Since its inception, the ministry has been the beneficiary of many in the local community. 

“It is not uncommon,” Davis explained, “to wake up in the morning and find donations stacked up on the front porch.”   

Davis runs a taut ship with a list of set rules of the house and a personalized treatment regimen. The program offered stresses Bible study, recovery group counseling sessions, specialized personal counseling (as necessary), prayer and community service.

The first two months are without cost, thereafter the rate of $300/month applies. The program may run from six to 12 months.

Over the past five months, Redeemed Recovery has seen a 75% success rate. One woman has successfully completed the program and rejoined society and two remain yet in the program. 

Davis advised that there is no possibility of expanding the number of beds at the parsonage, and the greatest need is to find and acquire use of a larger home in another location.

“We have to turn women away daily,” she remarked.

Just how large is the problem addiction is in East Texas?

Davis took a deep breath, “The need is huge,” she simply stated.

In the Mineola area, the epicenter of folks requiring rescue is in Tyler off of Gentry Parkway. 

The weekly gathering place for homeless was, until recently, under the railroad bridge, but has been moved a couple of blocks south to an area now known as ‘in the park.’  

There, each Wednesday, some 15 ministries provide meals, clothing and other services – including a religious service featuring a speaker, song and prayer. In the crowd will certainly be candidates for care at Redeemed Recovery. 

Those already at Redeemed Recovery offer testimony while they provide the services in Tyler.

They also conduct community service through the Church of the Nazarene Food Bank on Tuesday mornings, 9-11.  

Women coming to Redeemed Recovery may indeed be rescue cases originating in the park in Tyler, but it is just as likely that they come from a referral from law enforcement or courts in the surrounding counties.

Davis makes good use of a well-populated Rolodex of contacts to get women the help they need.

What awaits a woman joining Redeemed Recovery?

Britney, presently in the program, summed it up, “It is a living testimony,” she explained, “I’ve got a family now and a safe place to be. It has allowed me to fill the void left by addiction with Jesus and the productivity of the Holy Spirit.”