Music acts headlining Iron Horse Heritage Festival


Mineola music mainstays Todd Brewer and Cody Norman headline live entertainment at the Iron Horse Heritage Festival Saturday, Sept. 28 in historic downtown Mineola from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Norman plays the East Texas circuit, sharing a classic rock mix. He’s scheduled to kick-off the day’s live entertainment at 10 a.m. Brewer is a local boy and will keep the festival rolling with a mix of country and rock starting at 12:30 p.m. Music will be performed at the community gazebo at Johnson and Commerce Streets.

The Mineola Pilot Club is also hosting a variety of pet contests. Rules are simple - house pets only, all pets must be leashed or secured and cleanup is required. The contest categories include Best Iron Horse themed costume, Best Photo - pet must be present, Best stage presence, Best owner/pet look-alike and Cutest Pet.

Judges will also choose an overall champ. A $10 fee is requested, and proceeds will go to a traumatic brain injury camp, Circle of Friends. For more information contact Diane Holmes at 903-343 7570,

Also new to Iron Horse in 2024 is a cornhole tournament hosted by Legacy Cornhole - TLC Region. Winners have a chance for $300 added to the pot with a 100% payout of registration fees. Plaques will be awarded for places first through third. Four rounders may drop to two rounders depending on the number of registered teams. For more information visit Legacy TCL on Facebook or search for a link to the tournament on

For a full schedule of Iron Horse events, to become a vendor, sponsor or to register for one of the events, visit and download the entrant forms at the chamber website –, visit the chamber office Tuesday through Saturday at 101 E. Broad St. or call 903-569-2087.