Pilots teach 2nd graders bike safety

Posted 6/6/24

Each spring the Mineola Pilot Club conducts a bicycle safety course for second graders at Mineola Primary School. They generally partner with the Mineola Police Department on the project, but this …

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Pilots teach 2nd graders bike safety


Each spring the Mineola Pilot Club conducts a bicycle safety course for second graders at Mineola Primary School. They generally partner with the Mineola Police Department on the project, but this year officers were involved in a training course.

Pilot members, along with the high school Anchor Club, fitted second graders with new helmets and manned various stations located on the school parking lot, informing the group of various bicycle safety rules.

Pilot International focuses on brain health and injuries. Pilot and Anchor members also presented their award-winning BrainMinders program which uses puppets to show children how to protect their brains.