Quitman Library Connections
The Quitman Public Library invites parents to combat National Anti-boredom Month this July by bringing the kids in to use our Ignite by Hatch™ computers. Ignite gives kids access to interactive …
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Quitman Library Connections
The Quitman Public Library invites parents to combat National Anti-boredom Month this July by bringing the kids in to use our Ignite by Hatch™ computers. Ignite gives kids access to interactive lessons and engaging activities that make learning fun and keep their academic performance on track during the summer.
The Pilot Club of Quitman is a program partner of Dolly’s Imagination Library, a program which makes it possible a in the following zip codes 75783, 75410, and 75497. Stop by the library’s front desk to sign up today. As Dolly says, “You can never get enough books into the hands of enough children.”
July 20 is International Chess Day, and the library is celebrating by inviting you to play at our chess tables. There will be games going on all day. Visit the media display and find instructional books for chess and many other parlor games.
The QPL Knitting & Crochet Club meets each Thursday from 2-4 p.m. in the library lobby. Students of all ages and skill levels may bring supplies for free instruction and pattern exchange.
Wood County Metal Detector Club meets on first Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the library Shamburger Community Room.
The In-Focus Photography Club of East Texas meets monthly on last Mondays in the community room. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by the 6:30 meeting and workshop.
The Wood County TX Genealogical Society will have volunteers on hand throughout the summer and during the Quitman Old Settlers Reunion to assist with family history research. Contact Shirley Patrick 903-312-8451 for appointments and follow the society’s page at http://www.facebook.com/groups/woocotx.
Whyte Dove Writers’ Club meets monthly on second Tuesdays from 6-8:30 p.m. at the library. Consider joining this distinctive group of local published authors.
Notary service is generally available at the library during regular business hours, but to guarantee an appointment, call Susan Lomanto or Delene Allen, 903-763-4191.
Patrons may connect to our library’s vast collection of eBooks, audio books and streaming videos by downloading the Libby®and SimplyE® apps. Visit the library’s online catalog at http://quitman.biblionix.com/catalog and select “What’s Hot” to see all the latest books, audiobooks and DVDs ready to be checked out. Call to sign up for email or text notifications to remind you when books are due. Check out the library’s online TexShare® database at www.quitmanlibrary.org that is loaded with invaluable and up-to-the-minute research tools and reference resources.
Patron cards are for Wood County residents with photo identification. A guardian must sign for children 5-17. Hours are Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Keep current at www.facebook.com/quitmanpubliclibrary.